Case Management Services

Taylor Life Center provides a spectrum of services to individuals and families for a variety of needs; however, our case management program serves the most consumers. Our case management services are for consumers with a serious mental illness or developmental disability who require more help accessing proper treatment.

How Case Management Can Help

Before an individual starts receiving treatment, they receive an assessment completed by either a Taylor Life Center case manager or their local community mental health. During the assessment, the case managers will determine the individual’s mental health symptoms or developmental disability; it is important for individuals to undergo an assessment so that we may guide them to the proper resources.

After the assessment, the case manager will meet with the individual, and their support system, to learn the individual’s goals and needs. Afterward, the case manager will write an Individual Plan of Service, which will include services and programs that will best help the individual achieve their goals. Ultimately, our goal is to support all individuals to achieve total community integration.

Once the case manager writes the Individual Plan of Service, they will begin to link, advocate, coordinate, and monitor the individual with the support programs discussed in the Individual Plan of Service. The case manager may also help the individual gain access to health and dental services, financial assistance, housing, employment, education, social services, and other services and natural supports as needed.

Qualifying for Case Management Services

To qualify to receive case management services, an individual must identify with at least one of the following criteria. Some individuals may need to meet multiple criteria in order to qualify:

  • Child with serious emotional disturbance
  • Adult with serious mental illness
  • Individual with a developmental disability
  • Individual with co-occurring substance use disorders who have multiple service needs
  • Have a high level of vulnerability
  • Require access to a continuum of mental health services from a Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP)
  • Unable to independently access and sustain involvement with needed services

After determining that a case manager is necessary, if possible, individuals will have the opportunity to choose which case manager they will use from a list of available, qualified case management staff.

Program Information

Taylor Life Center case management services are available to residents in Genessee County.

You and your mental health are important, and we want you to receive the help and support you need. If you are unable to pay, we will not deny you of services. We also offer a discounted/sliding scale fee to those who qualify. Contact us to learn more. 

Taylor Life Center provides a spectrum of services to individuals and families for a variety of needs; however, our case management program serves the most consumers. Our case management services are for consumers with a serious mental illness or developmental disability who require more help accessing proper treatment.

How Case Management Can Help

Before an individual starts receiving treatment, they receive an assessment completed by either a Taylor Life Center case manager or their local community mental health. During the assessment, the case managers will determine the individual’s mental health symptoms or developmental disability; it is important for individuals to undergo an assessment so that we may guide them to the proper resources.

After the assessment, the case manager will meet with the individual, and their support system, to learn the individual’s goals and needs. Afterward, the case manager will write an Individual Plan of Service, which will include services and programs that will best help the individual achieve their goals. Ultimately, our goal is to support all individuals to achieve total community integration.

Once the case manager writes the Individual Plan of Service, they will begin to link, advocate, coordinate, and monitor the individual with the support programs discussed in the Individual Plan of Service. The case manager may also help the individual gain access to health and dental services, financial assistance, housing, employment, education, social services, and other services and natural supports as needed.

Qualifying for Case Management Services

To qualify to receive case management services, an individual must identify with at least one of the following criteria. Some individuals may need to meet multiple criteria in order to qualify:

  • Child with serious emotional disturbance
  • Adult with serious mental illness
  • Individual with a developmental disability
  • Individual with co-occurring substance use disorders who have multiple service needs
  • Have a high level of vulnerability
  • Require access to a continuum of mental health services from a Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP)
  • Unable to independently access and sustain involvement with needed services

After determining that a case manager is necessary, if possible, individuals will have the opportunity to choose which case manager they will use from a list of available, qualified case management staff.

Program Information

Taylor Life Center case management services are available to residents in Genessee County.

You and your mental health are important, and we want you to receive the help and support you need. If you are unable to pay, we will not deny you of services. We also offer a discounted/sliding scale fee to those who qualify. Contact us to learn more.